
Healthy Lifestyle Champions

spear was commissioned by the Youth Sport Trust to conduct an independent evaluation of the Healthy Lifestyle Champions programme. The aim of the programme is to increase physical activity levels for young people in low socioeconomic groups by ensuring the right activity offer is available in schools. It also aims to drive the confidence and leadership skills of Healthy Lifestyle Champions to empower them to lead change for their peers.

The evaluation gathered insight around the engagement of young people, captured evidence and outcomes achieved and identified key lessons learnt. Further topics covered include the impact of Covid-19, the role of parents, and the impact of sustained engagement on young people, practitioners and schools.

Programme outcomes

…..for Healthy Lifestyle Champions

  • Increased volunteering through PE, Physical activity and sport
  • Increased leadership and promotion of healthy lifestyles
  • Increased leadership skills

…..for Activity Participants

  • Increased participation in, and enjoyment of, physical activity
  • Increased healthy and wellbeing (physical, mental and social)
  • Increased skills
  • Increased achievement

…..for Lead Participants

  • Increased competence, confidence and motivation to effectively identify and responds to the needs of young people to encourage them to take part in physical activity
  • Improvements to physical activity delivery

Key Findings

  • 68% of champions say they’ve led or helped with activities ‘a lot’
  • 92% say they’ve had a volunteering role
  • Significant increases are evident in the percentage of Champions reporting to have a say about the sports and activities in school
  • Significant impacts on the activity levels of Champions in low socioeconomic groups. Almost two thirds report engaging in 60 active minutes most or every day after leading or helping with activities
  • Teachers note how the programme has given the Champions ‘something to really focus on in difficult times’ and notable fain in Champions’ confidence, empathy, motivation, work ethic, time management in wider school life
  • Activity participants were significantly more active, with 51% achieving 60 minutes most or every day
  • Significant increases were found for participants who feel they have a say about sports and activities in school (30%) and who say they do more sports and activities with their family (32%)

Date: 10th September 2021

Client: Youth Sport Trust

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