Sidney De Haan Research Centre for Arts and Health

Arts and Health Research-Based Training Resources


Arts and Health Research-Based Training Resources

Wave breaking

Here you can find Arts and Health resources produced by the Centre, including recordings of lectures, seminars and webinars.

Webinar Recordings

Webinar 25th January 2022

This is a recording of the webinar organised by the Sidney De Haan Research Centre on January 25th 2022. In the webinar, the director of the Centre, professor Persephone Sextou, held a presentation titled: “Applied theatre in paediatrics: Can participatory performance mitigate educational, emotional and social consequences of missing out school during hospitalisation?” The presentation was followed by a discussion between professor Sextou and associate professor Sydney Cheek-O’Donnell from the University of Utah.

Title: “Applied theatre in paediatrics: Can participatory performance mitigate educational, emotional and social consequences of missing out school during hospitalisation?”

Speaker: Professor Persephone Sextou, Director of the Sidney De Haan Research Centre for Arts and Health, Canterbury Christ Church University

Designated Academic: Associate Professor Sydney Cheek-O’Donnell, University of Utah


Webinar 22nd February 2022

This is a recording of the webinar organised by the Sidney De Haan Research Centre on February 22nd 2022. In the webinar, the Assistant Director of the Centre, Esther Coren, alongside Research Fellows Julia Moore and Jacqueline Tallent held a presentation titled: “The Galaxy Choir: Exploring the impact of a choir for adults with a learning disability: promising findings and ways forward”. The presentation is followed by a discussion between Esther, Julia, Jacqueline and Senior Lecturer, Daniel Marsden from Canterbury Christ Church University.

Title: “The Galaxy Choir: Exploring the impact of a choir for adults with a learning disability: promising findings and ways forward”

Speakers: Esther Coren, Assistant Director of Research, Julia Moore, Research Fellow, and Jacqueline Tallent, Research Fellow, Sidney De Haan Research Centre for Arts and Health, Canterbury Christ Church University

Designated Academic: Daniel Marsden, Senior Lecturer – Learning Disabilities, School Of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work, Canterbury Christ Church University


Webinar 22nd March 2022

This is a recording of the webinar organised by the Sidney De Haan Research Centre on March 22nd 2022. In the webinar, Dr Emma Fisher-Owen, Researcher, puppeteer, theatre artist and educator and Cariad Astles from the University of Exeter/Royal Central School of Speech and Drama hold presentations on the use of applied puppetry in healthcare and disability. The two presentations are followed by a discussion between Fisher-Owen, Astles and Dr Susan Linn from Boston Children’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School.

Title: “Applied puppetry in healthcare and disability”

Speakers: Cariad Astles, University of Exeter/Royal Central School of Speech and Drama and Dr Emma Fisher-Owen, Researcher, puppeteer, theatre artist and educator

Designated Academic: Dr Susan Linn, Research Associate at Boston Children’s Hospital and Lecturer on Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School


Webinar 8th June 2022

This is a recording of the webinar organised by the Sidney De Haan Research Centre on June 8th, 2022. In the webinar, Professor Michael Balfour, from the University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia held a presentation titled: “Future Stories: Co-Designing Virtual Reality Experiences with Young People with a Serious Illness in Hospital”. The presentation is followed by a discussion between Professor Michael Balfour and Emerita Professor Robyn Ewing, Co-Director of CREATE centre, University of Sydney, Australia.

Title: “Future Stories: co-designing virtual reality (VR) experiences with young people with a
serious illness in hospital”

Speaker: Professor Michael Balfour, University of New South Wales (UNSW)

Designated Academic: Emerita Professor Robyn Ewing, Co-Director of CREATE Centre, University of Sydney


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