The aim of this intervention is to examine the efficacy of a physical activity care pathway based upon motivational interviewing in producing behaviour change in inactive patients with type 2 diabetes.
Girls Active
Girls Active is delivered to thousands of girls across England and Northern Ireland. Girls Active supports schools to understand what motivates girls to take part in physical activity, PE and sport. It is a peer-led programme informed, driven and delivered by girls, for girls.
Chance to Shine
Evaluation of a Secondary Schools Girls Programme aiming to enhance girls’ engagement with sport.
Project Rugby
This project assesses the impact of Project Rugby on participants’ perceptions, attitudes and wellbeing and provides insight into factors required to successfully transition participants into grassroots clubs.
Kent Sport Community Sport Sessions
This project aims to engage young people from deprived backgrounds in community sport sessions within Kent.
Healthy Active Lifestyle Champions
Healthy Active Lifestyle Champions aims to use the power of peer leadership to engage peers from low socio-economic backgrounds in sustainable, non-traditional activity.
(TASS) Dual Career Accreditation Scheme
The evaluation of the Talented Athlete Scholarship Scheme (TASS) Dual Career Accreditation Scheme aims to explore the perceptions and experiences of Further Education Institutions in England.
Get Exam Fit
This case study explored the effectiveness of Get Exam Fit on student’s confidence, management of their physical and emotional wellbeing and exam readiness.
Go-Ride Go Skills Award
Go-Ride Go aimed to inspire children and their families to participate in lifelong cycling by supporting delivery of cycling in schools and engaging parents to encourage cycling at home.