
Event: Faith in the Nexus Report

Wednesday 18 November 2020, 11:00-12:30 with discussions at 1:30, 2:30 and 3:30

In this project the nexus refers to the connections between church school, the local church, and the home.

Faith in the Nexus

The Faith in the Nexus research report identifies how church primary schools, in collaboration with churches and other interested groups, facilitate opportunities for children’s exploration of faith/spiritual life in the home. It offers a vital contribution to understanding the connection between home, school and Church and children’s spiritual lives.

Children and Spirituality

Children express their spirituality and interest in faith in a wide variety of ways, by what they talk about, in their sense of belonging, in the moments of spiritual experiences in times of stillness, by what they do and in the key relationships they develop. The report examines each of these aspects of spiritual life separately, recognising that all are essential elements of spiritual growth. Each category is looked at from the perspective of children and parents, followed by an exploration of what role the church primary school (in collaboration with local church or parachurch) has played in facilitating the interactions at home.

The Nexus cannot be Underestimated

The research draws attention to the Nexus and illuminates the connections between home, church and school as being crucial for promoting a flourishing exploration of faith and spirituality in the home. The critical role relationships play in sustaining connections in the nexus cannot be underestimated. There is a clear need for all Christian educators, ministers and parents to focus on children’s spiritual wellbeing and recognise them as co-constructors. It is essential to work with them rather than for them or at them. This research has shown how relationships with adults willing to explore faith and spiritual life with the child are essential for spiritual development.   

A programme and link will be provided nearer the date.

Please express your interest and email Gill Harrison. 

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