In 2021, spear was commissioned by the Youth Sport Trust to conduct an independent evaluation of the Active Recovery Curriculum programme delivered in schools as children returned following the COVID-19 […]
Project Rugby
spear has been commissioned to conduct an independent evaluation of Project Rugby. spear’s 2023/24 research will represent the fourth year of programme evaluation. Project Rugby is a flagship ED&I initiative run by […]
Our Active Community
spear has been commissioned from September 2023 to March 2027 to conduct an evaluation of Our Active Community. Mencap’s ‘Our Active Community’ is designed to support people with a learning […]
Round the World Challenge
This project evaluates Mencap’s Round the World Challenge, an initiative aimed at encouraging physical activity among people with learning disabilities.
Healthy Lifestyle Champions
Healthy Active Lifestyle Champions aims to use the power of peer leadership to engage peers from low socio-economic backgrounds in sustainable, non-traditional activity.
BMX Legacy Programme
The BMX Legacy Programme aims to enhance activity levels, health behaviours and wellbeing through provision of BMX opportunities in ‘hard to reach’ communities.
This Mum Moves
Evaluation of an educational campaign to support pregnant women and new mothers in enjoying and benefitting from an active lifestyle.
Rapid Scoping Review of Evidence of Outdoor Transmission of COVID-19
A rapid scoping review was conducted by spear in 15 days to seek, evaluate and analyse evidence of incidents of outdoor transmission of COVID-19.
Birmingham’s PESSPA landscape
Rapid evidence review and analysis of schools’ engagement with PE, school sport and physical activity (PESSPA) across Birmingham.