spear completed a systematic review of evidence for the potential of big screens or ‘Live Sites’ to generate community or public health outcomes.
Commissioned by NHS Eastern and Coastal Kent, the review examined the evidence for a range of potential community and public health outcomes that might be leveraged through initiatives that make use of Live Sites. Live Sites offer different screen modes which can address varied public health outcomes and target different segments within a community.
Key Findings:
- Live Sites can bring places to people by using screens and their surrounding environment to create, for different occasions, different types of places that will satisfy the varying demand with the local community for a range of social experiences.
- They can become a source of community self-esteem, which can lead to observable community outcomes relating to improved perceived community safety and greater respect between layers within the community.
- Live Sites can be flexible community facilities that provide for a wider range of layers within the community than more traditional events, facilities or venues that tend to be linked to a specific place with a specific heritage.
Date: 2010
Client: NHS Eastern and Coastal Kent