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Our events include international visits, conferences, lecture series and debates.


18 MARA study of trauma and coping in police officers who investigate rape and child abuse in London (Webinar)


22-23 JAN 25Looking After Our Greatest Asset: Enhancing Wellbeing in Policing (Annual conference)
19 NOV 24Police Leadership (Webinar)
13 NOV 24Kent Police Race Action Plan Conference
1 NOV 24CCPR Lecture Series: What can we do to support vulnerable individuals through developments in technology?
22 OCT 24Attitudes to Crime and Punishment in England and Wales, 1964–2023 (Webinar)
18 JUNE 24Policing Immigration (Webinar)
23-24 NOV 24Advancing the Méndez Principles on Effective Interviewing (Online conference)
21 MAY 24Predictive policing (Webinar)
19 MAR 24The Casey Report One Year On (Webinar)
17 -18 JAN 24Problems and Solutions in UK Policing (Annual conference)
16 JAN 24Tasers (Webinar)
14 DEC 23PEQF (Webinar)
17 OCT 23Should the Police Lie? (Webinar)
22 SEPT 23CCPR Lecture series: Diversity in Policing
29 JUN 23“The Future of Forensics” – Call for Papers (Conference)
12 MAY 23Leadership and Decision Making in Policing (Webinar)
13-14 SEP 22Time for change? Reflections on the Strategic Review of Policing in England and Wales (Annual conference)
13 MAY 22Mad, Bad, or Sad: The Police Use of Section 136 of the Mental Health Act 1983  (Webinar)
22 FEB 22Police Technology & Social Media (Webinar)
14 DEC 22Policing, Guns and Violence in the United States (Webinar)
12 OCT 21Global perspectives on policing and legitimacy  (Webinar)
24 SEP 21Clare’s Law: Exploring Challenges and Opportunities in the Prevention of Intimate Partner Violence (Webinar)
9 JUN 21Direct Entry Detectives and Police Recruitment of Ethnic Minorities (Webinar)
3 MAR 21Big Data and Machine Learning in Policing (Webinar)
3 FEB 21 Police Perspectives on Policing the Pandemic (Webinar)
14 OCT 20Complex Examples of Vulnerability: Exploring Demand and Response (Webinar)
22 JUL 20The PEQF (Webinar)
4 JUN 20Rape Investigation Round Table (Webinar)
20 JUN 19Austerity and Ethics: A Paradox for Professionalism (Annual conference)
16 MAY 19Awareness Event on Recognition of Prior Experience & Learning (RPL/RPEL)
20-21 JUN 18Taming the Wicked: The Role of Partnerships (Annual conference)
14 MAR 18CCPR Lecture Series: The End of Policing
9 MAR 18CCPR Lecture Series: Missing People
21 FEB 18CCPR Round Table: Domestic Abuse
19 JAN 18CCPR Lecture Series: Gender and Leadership
10 NOV 17CCPR Lecture Series: History in Service to Policing Practice
18 OCT 17CCPR Round Table: Hate Crime
8 SEP 17CCPR Lecture Series: Social Media and Leadership
21-22 JUN 17Learning from Evidence: Mission Impossible (Annual conference)
23 MAY 17CCPR Round Table: Mental Health: Challenges and Opportunities