Tap into our abundant student resource with their fresh knowledge, insight and ideas.
Our students and recent graduates possess a variety of skills that they can offer the sector such as:
- A contemporary understanding of tourism, leisure, events and hospitality.
- Ability to perform desk research.
- Knowledge of research design.
- Planning and organisational skills.
- Sound written and verbal communication skills.
As well as:
- Initiative and independence of thought.
- Lots of enthusiasm and fresh ideas.
If you think your organisation can benefit from our student resource please contact us.
Recent internships
Creative Foundation
Project Title: ‘An evaluation of current footfall counting methods, with a view to making recommendations to the Creative Foundation, Folkestone.’
Academic Leads: Shola Osinaike and Dr Ken Aduhene
This 10 week internship was a collaborative project between the Tourism and Events Research Hub and the Creative Foundation, Folkestone. It was designed to evaluate the different methods of measuring footfall through a visitor destination, with specific application to the Creative Quarter in Folkestone.
“Being part of the Tourism and Events Research Hub Internship this summer was a great experience and highly rewarding. It gave me the opportunity to work with the Creative Foundation and understand the work they are doing to regenerate Folkestone, using culture and destination marketing…. I enjoyed the challenge the research project presented and I am proud of the report I produced as the feedback from the Creative Foundation and Canterbury Christ Church University has been very positive.”
Research Intern
Kent Wildlife Trust

Project title: ‘Informing the future development of Kent Wildlife Trust’s interpretation strategies for Tyland Barn to aid its transformation into a Landscape Discovery Centre’.
Academic lead: Dr Karen Thomas
This exciting 10 week internship was a collaborative project between the Tourism and Events Research Hub (CCCU) and Kent Wildlife Trust at Tyland Barn, Maidstone. The project was designed to inform the Kent Wildlife Trust (Tyland Barn, Maidstone) in their work to develop an interpretation strategy, to communicate their ‘Living Landscape’ philosophy/key conservation messages and meet the needs of the contemporary visitor. This project provided the intern with a varied experience and the opportunity to conduct a live research project with clear outcomes to support the development of interpretation techniques at the Tyland Barn visitor centre.
“This project has enabled Kent Wildlife Trust to move our future interpretation strategy to the next stage. Working alongside CCCU helped us sharpen our thinking on the project outcomes. Enabling the Trust to draw upon the expertise and experience at the University, especially the time that Louise could bring researching case studies and best practice whilst implementing the primary research, added huge value to the overall project”.
Joe Gluck
Business Manager, Tyland Barn, Kent Wildlife Trust
“The internship provided me with a range of opportunities to learn more about how to work with an organisation on a specific project. It allowed me to build upon my studies in Events Management and apply my knowledge to a real life research project …. It was a great way to transition before my first job as a graduate … and provided me with so much more than I expected.”
Research Intern
Visit Kent
Project title: ‘Supporting young people accessing meaningful work placements in the Kent visitor economy: a business stakeholders’ perspective’.
Academic lead: Dr Karen Thomas.
Ruby Berkeley-Cornner completed an internship with the Tourism and Events Research Hub, working in collaboration with Visit Kent. This project was designed to support an exciting initiative focusing on skills and career progression for young people in the sector: the Kent Hospitality, Tourism and Transport Guild. Ruby worked on a project ‘to explore the perceptions of business stakeholders about the opportunities and barriers related to the provision of work placements for young people in the visitor economy’, supported throughout by the project lead at CCCU and Visit Kent. The report and industry fact sheets produced by the study can be found on the Visit Kent Business webpages.
“The internship gave me an opportunity to develop my skills and confidence working in a professional environment.”
Research Intern
Want to get involved?
If you feel that your organisation could benefit from collaborating with one of Tourism and Events Research Hub team to develop an internship project please contact Karen Thomas for an informal discussion.
Contact us
Dr Karen Thomas
Director, Tourism and Events Hub
T: 01227 922691
Hub Administrator
E: tourismhub@canterbury.ac.uk